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Steve:  The Beginner's Guide

Steve Headshot This is me
Java the Chocolate Lab This is Java
Steve Headshot This is me
Java the Chocolate Lab This is Java

I'm Not A Mahogany!


It's no secret by now how much I love building anything I can using wood. I currently own my home and have set up shop in the garage, just like almost every other aspiring maker. Beyond that, when I am not in said shop and covered in sawdust, I am out and about with one of my many hobbies. I am an avid bowler, periodic golfer, computer programmer, dart thrower, DIYer, and aspiring artist learning to draw, illustrate, color, and just create fun pieces.

As a child, I was fascinated by technology, computers, and programming as well as building things using my hands. I grew up in the age when spell check became popular in document editing. Every time I typed my school reports, those darn spell checkers constantly tried to make me a Mahogany (it's Mahony,) without fail. Computers auto-correcting my name to a wood species? Maybe it was a sign! Today, I hold a full-time day job as a Software Engineer so my shop time is always limited.

My absolute favorite sports team is the Pittsburgh Penguins. My favorite color varies by the day. I own a few fish and am also a proud owner of an 80-pound lap dog; my chocolate lab and shop partner, Java.

For more information on how I got started, what inspired me to become a woodworker, and a brief backstory, please continue reading.


The Magic of Wellsview Drive


Once upon a time, in a basement not so far away, there was a little boy who loved helping his grandfather build bird feeders and birdhouses. Watching his grandfather use both power tools and hand tools, that boy was intrigued and wanted to learn how everything worked together.

That little boy didn’t yet understand the concept of quality time, but he sure loved every second in the workshop. While the designs were nothing fancy, the results were purely magical.

It was there on Wellsview Drive where the boy first recognized true passion for a craft and began admiring the techniques and craftsmanship.

Fast-forward 25 years and witness that little boy as an adult. His grandfather has since passed away, and that former child now resides in the same residence where the magic began. While most of the original tools have worn down, broken, been sold, or have otherwise scattered, a couple have remained. Those remaining tools still spark inspiration to help him begin to rekindle the magic.

Now that grown-up boy is continuing the workshop on his own. Over time, more skills have been acquired, larger tools have been purchased, and bigger projects have been completed. That once-small workshop has now grown into a modest business.

As I’m sure you’ve guessed, that little boy was me. Even without the continuing guidance and knowledge from my grandfather, I still find myself drawn to the world of wood. There is something exciting about having the ability to transform an ordinary piece of lumber into an amazing and totally unique piece. Maybe even more importantly to me, it is both humbling and heart-warming to know there are folks who appreciate my work. I thrive on being able to create something that others will absolutely love.

This is where my tale ends… or begins. From this moment forward, my success and growth depend on you. Help me continue to write my story!

~ Steve, Owner of Wellsview Woodworking